Gaspard Eden - The Model
Gaspard Eden - The Model
Claude Bégin - Garde-Malade
Matt Moln - Saint-Ours
Zagata - Punch-Out
Jay Trepanier - Sur le chemin qui mène à toi
Gaspard Eden - Cherry
Renzo Rivolta - Tour de force
Matt Moln - Tu n'as peur de rien
Jay Trepanier - Partir
Benny Adam - Mok ya mok
Clodelle - Domino
Gaspard Eden - Alien
Clodelle - Rassure-moi
Renzo Rivolta - Lovely To Call You
Jay Trepanier - Perdu la tête
Matt Moln - Naufrage
Alice Bro - Loner
Alfa Rococo - Fais-moi rêver
Clodelle - Rien ne m'étonne
Renzo Rivolta - Vice
Loïc Lafrance - La peur est une fleur
Jay Trepanier - La forêt
Alfa Rococo - Voler
Matt Moln - Dormir debout
Lucill - Le temps fait bien les choses
Renzo Rivolta - Montagne magique
Loïc Lafrance - Dans mon sang
Alfa Rococo - Exigeant (avec Imposs)
Loïc Lafrance - 2034 (le soleil tombe sur toi)
Loïc Lafrance - La peur est une fleur
Benny Adam - Tit'souite (feat. Nayra)
Renzo Rivolta - On The Run
Clodelle - Rien ne m'étonne
Matt Moln - Sous terre
D-track - L'Osstidtour
Alfa Rococo - Le monde est fou
Claude Bégin et Lysandre Nadeau - Parenthèse
Renzo Rivolta - Bleu électrique
D-Track et Koriass - La peine
Lary Kidd - Moishes Riopelle
Webster - Palestina
Matt Moln - Tragique décès d'une âme sensible
D-Track - Les plus beaux rêves
MIELS - Sans soleil
Lucill et Marco Ema - Avant de redescendre
Benny Adam - Travolta vidéoclip
Lary Kidd - P'tit cochon with Fléau Dicaprio
Zagata - Balle Courbe
Lary Kidd- Tu connais mon nom
D-Track - Culture feat. Akhénaton
Clodelle - I Lost My Baby
Zagata - Héréditaire (feat. Farfadet)
Gregory Charles - Piano Renaissance : Appassionato
Sara Dufour - On va-tu prendre une marche ?
D-Track - Tripes feat. SeinsSucrer
Lary Kidd - Speak White
Gregory Chalres - L'ombre du divin : Michelangelo
Zagata - Jungle (feat. Koriass)
Lucill - Presque
Clodelle - Loin de moi
MIELS - Barracuda
Zagata - Wake Up Call
Alfa Rococo - Feu en moi
Claude Bégin - Tout doux
Sara Dufour - On va-tu prendre une marche ?
D-Track - 11 août
Benny Adam - Tit'souite (feat. Nayra)
Zagata - Légendes (feat. Rymz)
Alfa Rococo and Ramon Chicharron - Après la pluie
D-Track et Mindflip - Je sais
Benny Adam - Travolta
Clodelle et Naomi - Every Baby
Claude Bégin et Claudia Bouvette - Rêver éveillé
Sara Dufour - J't'écoeurée
Lucill et Thaïs - Si j'étais toi
Of Course - Sur le sable
JAYMIE - Ciel azur
Clodelle - Les coeurs sur la plage
Zagata - Vinaigrette
MIELS - Yeux de lynx
Lucill - Seul au monde
Ghostly Kisses - Carry Me - il:lo remix
Benny Adam - Pigalle
D-track - Ville déserte
Ghostly Kisses - Back to Black
D-Track - Sans II
Miels - Sur la détente
Claude Bégin - Aujourd'hui
Louis-Étienne Santais - (De)construction
Claude Bégin - Aujourd'hui
MIELS - Le corps en orbite
Louis-Étienne Santais - Chant d'Oiseau
Of Course - Mtl bgrr 2
Of Course - Montréal Bagarre 2 - Videogame
Louis-Étienne Santais - Dolores
Ghostly Kisses - Blackbirds
Ghostly Kisses - Carry Me - Acoustic
Louis-Étienne Santais - Enjoy the Silence (live session)
Lucill - L’inconnu
Louis-Étienne Santais - Enjoy the Silence
Offre d'emploi - Coordonateur.trice à la production des spectacles
Offre d'emploi - Coordonateur.trice à l'administration
Lary Kidd - Costco Freestyle
Claude Bégin - Les avions de Mirabel
Clodelle - Gemini
Of Course - Montréal Bagarre 2
Hull - Vinyl
MIELS - Lécher le ciel
D-Track - 1900
Of Course - Sucré salé
MIELS - Sick
Marieme - Gloire à la rue
Clodelle - Mean it
Lucill - Snake eyes
Filpo - Si tu me tiens
D-Track: McDermott feat. Robert Nelson (music video)
Ghostly Kisses - Heaven, Wait
New single from Lucill
Soroche (remix) with Akhenaton
High (Game Genie Sokolov Remix)
Heaven, Wait will be out on January 28th
The team's favorite songs this year
Job offer: shows production coordinator
Mario, new album
New single and music video from Lucill
Le projet Échelon
Str8 Up music video
Vulgaire démonstration d'ignorance: new EP from Lary Kidd
Ces gars-là: new music video
New single from Ghostly Kisses
New album and music video for D-Track
Lancement du Projet Échelon
New single from MJE Cassettes featuring Zagata
New single from the ÉCHELON project candidates
New single by Lary Kidd featuring Loud and 20some
New single and new album coming for D-Track
A 2nd single from Ghostly Kisses for her album to be released in January 2022
Mocy's last single before his album release on October 15th
Naya Ali is back with the 2nd part of her debut album.
Apophis dévoile aujourd'hui son tout premier album!
Après la sortie remarquée de leur premier album « Impressions », le duo électro-pop New Bleach est de retour avec une belle surprise !
Fidèle à son univers, c’est un vidéoclip émouvant et empreint de nostalgie que nous livre une fois de plus la talentueuse auteure-compositrice-interprète.
L’artiste originaire de Casablanca fait équipe avec La Zarra et dévoile une nouvelle plage doublée d’un clip bien ficelé.
The Canadian hip-hop rising star surprises us with this last single before the release of her album on September 3rd.
[OFFRE D’EMPLOI] Technicien·ne comptable
Apophis nous revient avec D’Argenson, dernier extrait d'un album à paraître le 27 août prochain.
Naya Ali unveils her 2021 summer tour.
L'artiste électronique est de retour avec le vidéoclip d’Apoca-lips En El Desierto, pièce phare de son nouvel album Sun-drenched
After warming the hearts of thousands with her cover of "J'ai demandé à la lune" last February, Ghostly Kisses is back.
On the single "Alizée", Benny Adam draws inspiration from his Moroccan roots and offers a song halfway between Tangiers and Montreal.
Un extrait accrocheur et accessible qui donne le ton de son album à paraître cet automne.
Lary Kidd nous balance un superbe clip pour «Feu roulant», pièce phare de son plus récent EP le poids des livres.
Clodelle nous surprend à nouveau avec Chapeau parapluie, un titre trilingue en duo avec son ex-amoureux Claude Bégin.
The DJ delivers today "35mm (The Prelude)", a convincing preview of four songs to be released very soon on his new album.
Alfa Rococo est de retour avec Du soleil à Pékin, un surprenant nouveau single qui arrive à point!
After garnering over a million streams with his most recent EP Twelve O'Five, SAENS is back with "Shame".
Millimetrik (Pascal Asselin) dessine aujourd’hui son œuvre la plus surprenante à ce jour, son dixième opus, Sun-drenched.
Another One is an unapologetic record inspired by Toronto’s dark and gritty vibe
Rien ne ressemble plus à l’été que la chanson inaugurale de ce supergroupe de la scène musicale de Québec
The duo kicks off this album with Night, an ultimate piece in collaboration with Quebec talented emerging artist Ariane Roy
Ne laissant rien au hasard, le jeune homme signe une lettre d’amour au rap avec Le poids des livres.
«Prends-moi comme la mort» tente de faire le pont entre l’Esprit-Saint du Rock n’Roll à son âge d’or et les pistes de danse du 21e siècle.
Le vétéran de la scène électronique québécoise dévoile « Fantasme austral » feat. Mel Lancet
La famille Coyote Records s’agrandit!
Marieme est enfin de retour sur la scène musicale alors qu’elle présente aujourd’hui le tout premier single d’un album à paraître cette année.
Impressions verra le jour le 14 mai prochain.
Chantée par la voix puissante de Marleau, cette chanson a tout pour vous séduire!
Julie Blanche est de retour avec un magnifique vidéoclip animé pour « À l’envers », chanson tirée de son plus récent album « Le grand spectacle ».
Clodelle revendique enfin ce pan d’elle-même trop longtemps laissé de côté et elle y prend déjà un plaisir manifeste et contagieux !
Après un passage remarqué à l’émission La fin des faibles diffusée à Télé-Québec, David Dufour alias D-Track revient en force avec du tout nouveau matériel.
Un mois après la sortie remarquée de son plus récent album «Airs païens», Félix Dyotte nous revient avec un somptueux vidéoclip pour son titre «Où va ce chagrin».
«Future star iHeartRadio» d’avril à ÉNERGIE, « Réaction forte » de la semaine au Palmarès radio, MIELS continue de retenir l’attention
Naya Ali débarque avec «Time», tout nouveau single en collaboration cette fois avec l’auteure-compositrice-interprète de Québec, Gabrielle Shonk.
Un concert-lancement «full band, full rock, full surprises!»
Un peu plus d’un an après la sortie de son dernier album « SURHOMME » largement acclamé par la critique, Lary Kidd débarque sans prévenir avec un nouveau clip.
Si l’on croit d’abord à une classique Session live, on comprend rapidement l’envergure du défi technique derrière le concept.
Après le succès critique de leurs deux premiers albums au sein du groupe Cherry Chérie, Paolo Philpot, Gabriel L’Heureux et leurs deux nouveaux acolytes Gabriel Lapointe (Simon Kearney, Kinkead) et Paul Aubry dévoilent aujourd’hui 10 chansons
Après avoir livré une électrisante Session live en direct du MTELUS, MIELS fait une fois de plus grimper le mercure avec leur nouvel extrait « Fais tout ce que tu veux de moi ».
Pour marquer la sortie de son nouvel album « Airs Païens », Félix Dyotte a présenté, pour la toute première fois ce soir, quelques-unes de ses chansons.
Filpo est de retour avec « Incendie », un dernier avant-goût convaincant de ce qu’ils nous réservent avec leur premier album « Printemps », à paraître avec l’arrivée de celui-ci le 2 avril prochain.
Written mainly in Mexico, where the singer-songwriter spent most of 2019, this third opus is an intimate and warm piece.
Avec le projet ÉCHELON, nous espérons pouvoir contribuer au changement en accompagnant 5 jeunes artistes racisés et autochtones (18 à 35 ans) de la région de Québec pendant près d'un an.
Il n’y a pas à dire, MIELS offre un avant-goût électrisant de ce qu’ils nous réservent en spectacle, mais aussi de ce qui nous attend très bientôt avec leur nouvel album.
Millimetrik fait appel aux talents d’auteur et d’interprète de Tire le Coyote pour nous offrir, dans la langue de Molière, « Danser avec l’ivresse »
Une collaboration exceptionnelle entre la légende du rap queb et la nouvelle sensation montréalaise qui a de quoi marquer les esprits!
C’est sur la chanson « Traffic jam » de l’artiste D-Track que les étudiant.e.s de 16 ans et plus des quatre coins du Québec pouvaient concevoir un vidéoclip autour du thème imposé de la mobilité durable.
The duo, whose musical universe was marked by this early 2000s classic, offers a very personal acoustic version, both soft and muffled.
Two years after the successful release of "FEU", Laurence Nerbonne is back in force with her new album «OMG»
In a breathtaking music video, he invites us one last time before the release of his album "Airs païens" on March 12th, to discover his unique universe!
After announcing their signing with Coyote Records and unveiling an electrifying mini-documentary last month, MIELS is back, this time with new music and a music video.
After giving us the intimate " Diapason ", Félix Dyotte invites us to discover another part of his life with " Les salades de l'amour ".
Lucill once again calls upon the talents of filmmaker Jeff Boyd who takes on the challenge of plunging us into a dream!
The adaptation of the End of the Weak rap competition will be broadcast on Télé-Québec as of March 1.
After winning the Félix award for Electronic Music Album of the Year at the ADISQ 2019 gala, Pascal Asselin aka Millimetrik is back as he launches "Sunlight at Bay of Plenty" today.
Embracing her pop edge, the singer-songwriter and beatmaker delivers a message of hope and resilience on a perfect blend of acoustic and electronic sounds.
Discover the incomparable Quebec-American duo MIELS.
After spoiling us last December with a first surprise single, Félix Dyotte is back with a new irresistible piece.
The piece "Berlin, Ontario", filmed at his home this summer on the piano he inherited from his grandfather, takes on its full meaning here.
In anticipation of the release of their debut album this spring, the duo unveils a captivating video at the summit of Le Massif de Charlevoix, Quebec.
After the critical success of their first two albums, Paolo Philpot and Gabriel L'Heureux from the group Cherry Chérie are back.
The Montreal rapper is one of five recipients of the first-ever SiriusXM Black Canadian Music Award unveiled by SOCAN.
[JOB OFFER] Head of Promotion and Digital Marketing
It's an annual tradition. Today, Laurence Nerbonne presents "C'est Noël (Naughty Christmas)", a Christmas song with festive accents that is sure to put a smile on your face
New Bleach presents the hypnotic "You", taken from their mini-album set for release spring 2021.
True to form, with this visually striking and emotionally evocative retro music video, he once again spoils his fans with his outstanding creativity.
Louis-Étienne Santais today unveils his first solo piano album entitled "Reflection I"
The author-composer delivers with disarming authenticity "J'espère", a new single from a third album expected in the spring of 2021.
As part of the public sector negotiations, the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) called on Laurence Nerbonne to embody the theme of its campaign, and today unveiled the song "Faut que ça change".
Naya Ali is back in force with Air Ali, a new single premiered on Belle et Bum TV show last Saturday.
The result of several years of work, this first LP travels the backdrop of the psyche.
For his latest single, the composer presents the nostalgic Reflection I, the title song of his first solo piano album to be released on November 27th
After a solid performance at the Gala opening last Sunday, the artist is back, this time with a new music video for her song For Yuh.
The singer Dominic invites us to rediscover the group's first single in a much more intimate light.
One year after the release of his latest album "Surhomme", widely acclaimed by critics, Lary Kidd is finally back with new stuff.
ADISQ | It's a 5th Felix in career for the artist.
Last Friday, Domeno released the single Lightning (feat. Trevor Guthrie). For this release, the Montreal DJ artist appeared on three billboards in Times Square.
After his massive success and "pop song of the year" singles in Canada, LIES and ALLEYS, Domeno is back to get you dancing more than ever!
Gaspard Eden announces release of debut album Soft Power out November 13th.
One month after the highly acclaimed release of his debut album "Bunny", Lucill is back with images that make you want to hit the road.
Gaspard Eden presents a mischievous play between dorkiness and seduction.
For his third single, the neoclassical composer offers us an audacious and skillfully mastered hybrid between classical and electronic music.
Gaspard Eden today unveils a mysterious music video, for his latest single “Automatic Dreams”, inspired by one of his lucid dreams.
The ADISQ nominations are out! Gregory Charles, Laurence Nerbonne and Naya Ali will be our proud nominees for this very special edition.
New Bleach once again reveals another facet of his personality with this third single.
As he crossed the impressive million streams milestone on Spotify earlier this week with his first single, Louis-Étienne Santais Louis-Étienne Santais presents today a breathtaking music video for "La plage du Nord".
In this playful and absurd visual exploration where chips and chicks are in the spotlight, Laurence Nerbonne and Tizzo send a good dose of love to the haters with Uber.
Lucill returns with Bunny, a coherent sequel to his critically acclaimed debut EP of the same name in 2018.
"Never Let Me Go (Acoustic)" is a re-imagined version of the original piece in its simplest expression, in an irresistible piano - voice arrangement.
A limited audience will have the opportunity to see the rapper take the stage at L'Astral on Friday, September 25 at 9:30 pm.
With this song, the artist explores the different levels of lucidity that occur while dreaming.
The pianist gives us chills again with his second piece, a lively, evocative and heartfelt piano piece.
Stay (Acoustic) presents the artist's original song in its simplest expression, i.e. in an irresistible piano-voice interpretation.
On the eve of his appearance at the Festival de musique émergente (FME) on September 4, the talented rapper takes the road at high speed, secured by cables to the platform of a trailer truck.
The singer-songwriter and beatmaker rivals her daring and versatility with her debut single Première ministre as she pursues her assumed shift towards a more urban sound.
To mark the occasion, the Quebec City composer and producer chose to reveal the piece Augustines, accompanied by an intimate and touching live session.
On a trap rhythm and folk pop guitar tunes, the two artists combine their strengths to offer a catchy rap song with a well-assumed pop universe.
Webster delivers a vibrant tribute to newcomers, resilient when faced with the challenge of adapting to a brand new daily life, especially during the harsh Quebec winter.
Originally released in 2017, and covered in 2019 on the album Le fruit du HASARD, Stefie Shock presents a brand new version revisited by Debbie Tebbs.
The public's choice stopped on the song "Maintenant ou jamais", written by Félix Dyotte and performed by Evelyne Brochu.
The 2020 musical season looks promising! After a critically acclaimed debut EP of the same name in 2018, and two singles noticed in 2019, Lucill officially announces the release of Bunny, his first LP to be released on September 18th.
A few months after the highly acclaimed release of her album Godspeed: Baptism (Prelude), the rapper is back!
After a huge success on the radio in the last week, "Pour tout oublier" is now available on all platforms!
Gaspard Eden today shares his new video “Pancakes”, a glorious nostalgia inducing clay animation video for your favourite childhood tv
This is the second single from this new formation, which is already generating a lot of chatter.
To celebrate the arrival of summer, Zagata released a surprising collaboration with the renowned rapper Souldia.
Composed mainly while travelling, Margaux Sauvé offers us 23 minutes of dreamy and melancholic soundscapes.
The two artists have decided to join forces to help Moisson Québec.
It's after several months of hard work that Lucill (Raphaël Bussières) today gives us a first glimpse of the fruit of his efforts with the single Quand ça monte.
"Where Do Lovers Go?" is the most introspective song of the next EP to be released in June.
Soft Power, the title track of the LP, and Pancakes each plunge us in their own way into Gaspard's intimate universe full of emotions.
André "Dédé" Fortin died exactly 20 years ago. To underline the magnitude of the artistic legacy of the singer-founder of Les Colocs, Stefie Shock revisits the song "Juste une p'tite nuite"
Although he's a newcomer to the Quebec rap game, Nayka confidently delivers six tracks that are sure to get people talking!
To set the stories of La Barquetterie SS2 to music, Benny once again surrounds himself with notorious collaborators.
The live session is now available for listening on all platforms.
The musical duo Alfa Rococo presents Les Choses Invisibles, a new title whose proceeds will be donated to the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation.
Taken from his upcoming album Soft Power, "Nothing" naively evokes the backdrop of boredom, namely that we do something even when we think we are doing nothing.
Barcelona Boy is the second single from an EP to be released in June 2020
New Bleach is the new indie-pop project of two members of the renowned francophone rock band Caravane.
Just over a year after releasing the Webster & 5 for Trio album, the collaboration continues as they release a second EP entitled Sky.
It's with all the creativity we know him about that the Montreal singer and producer is back with the official music video for his latest single, Dis-moi.
For his third and last single before the release of his EP, Nayka strikes hard with a refreshing song worthy of the greatest.
Just over a year after releasing his latest album “Webster & 5 for Trio”, the rapper is back with a new single alongside the jazz band 5 for Trio.
For her first EP single to be released this year, Margaux Sauvé aka Ghostly Kisses unveils a very poetic music video.
Gaspard Eden unveils the first single of a LP to be released this year.
Naya Ali is back with a much-anticipated debut album named Godspeed : Baptism (Prelude)
Young Montreal producer and DJ Simon Skylar takes on the task of remixing Domeno's French and English versions of Alleys.
Benny Adam strikes hard with this very first single, a convincing preview of what will be his next album La Barquetterie 2.
Claude Bégin releases On s'arrête, the new official single from his album Bleu nuit.
For their last single from the album Supernova, released in 2018, Caravane treat themselves with a completely badass music video, strongly inspired by the work of Quentin Tarantino.
Naya Ali is certainly a young legend in the making!
Stefie Shock renews the dancing pop piece with warm accents Comme d'habitude.
With this new radio edit, Laurence Nerbonne offers to stop time, to disregard the conventions and rules of the preset model.
Naya Ali is now one of the 10 finalists for Searchlight 2020
Next July, don't miss Laurence Castera and Lary Kidd performing at the FEQ
If Nayka wanted to “Tout niquer” (French slang for destroy everything) with his new single, it is mission accomplished!
On August 7 and 8, for the 7th edition of the popular ÎLESONIQ festival, Quebec electro dance music star Domeno will converge with several other renowned DJs at Espace 67 in Parc Jean-Drapeau on Montreal's Île Sainte-Hélène.
Naya Ali will meet the festival goers on May 16 on the Esplanade of the Olympic Park for the second edition of the popular hip-hop festival.
Nominated for the illustrated book Le Grain de sable, Webster was honoured and proud to walk away with the Author of the Year Award at the 2020 Dynastie Gala.
Coyote Records team is very proud to announce that the artist Naya Ali headed to the second round by entering the top 100 of the CBC Music Searchlight 2020.
A year to the day after his release, Jesse Proteau aka Zagata revisits his first album FAIRPLAY and offers us a completely English version, accompanied by two new unreleased songs.
A few months after winning the Félix for Best Electronic Music Album of the Year at the last ADISQ Gala, Pascal Asselin aka Millimetrik presents a new single from the album Make it last forever in an unreleased version.
Julie Blanche is back with a very new album ‘’Le grand spectacle’’, which departs from her debuts.
Music video by Claude Bégin performing Méchants mammifères. © 2020 Coyote Records http://vevo.ly/p4P1rk
Two years after the release of his first album, Olivier Couture released his new single Si tu restes toi.
Julie Blanche offers us À l'envers, the new and last piece from her album Le grand spectacle.
The radio version of "Chepa Chepa" once again demonstrates the outstanding melodic talents of Benny Adam.
To end a very busy 2019, Naya Ali unveils a second single from her album to be released in 2020.
On "Sac de sport", Lary Kidd reconnects with his partner Loud to offer a catchy rap filled with clever punchlines.
To accompany his most recent solo album, "Enter The Dance", released 2 weeks ago, Maybe Watson presents a 2-part web series of the same name.
Following the dark and biting "Contrôle", Lary Kidd and his producers Ajust and Ruffsound wanted to focus on a more unifying album with a catchy and powerful sound.
A few months after the release of her album FEU, Laurence Nerbonne unveils a punchy music video for her song BACK OFF.
It is a Lary Kidd in great shape that can be found on the powerful "Hercule", a song produced, for the most part, by KABLE BEATZ.
On the eve of the federal elections, Cherry Chérie releases it's version of L'Internationale, a revolutionary song, emblem of the labour movement, written in 1870
An iconic figure in Quebec rap, Maybe Watson has just announced the imminent release of a second solo album, "Enter the Dance", produced by Claude Bégin and Fruits.
Lary Kidd goes to France to accompany his fellow compatriots Loud and Rymz on their tour.
In response to the rise of the extreme right in our political media and social spheres, Webster and 5 for Trio unveils a first music video for "Idioties".
Lary Kidd is back with a new music video that sets the stage for his awaited second solo album, "Surhomme", to be released on November 1st.
It’s no exaggeration to say that Naya Ali had a remarkable summer on the road to festivals in Quebec and Ontario.
Since the release of his second album Les hauts lieux last April, Laurence Castera has accumulated media accolades and vibrant shows.
ADISQ nominations are out! Here are our little coyotes named this year:
King Abid presents a first video clip for the brand new "Emerikia", his second sunny album.
Alfa Rococo goes on the road to present their latest album L'amour et le chaos
Emerging Ethiopian-born, Montreal based rapper Naya Ali returns with some of the best music of her young career with the much anticipated single “Get It Right”.
With the music video of "Ecstasy", the members of Caravane want to reverse the rock cliché with the help of directors Dan & Pag.
Last March, Quebec pop dandy Stefie Shock released a surprise album to celebrate his 20-year career.
Heythem Tlili aka King Abid, crowned Radio-Canada Revelation in World Music 2017-2018, presents "EMERIKIA", a colourful second album.
La Famille Ouellette and director Philippe Grenier want to get a reaction by presenting a disturbing music video for the song "Satin".
King Abid released a live version of his song "Harissa" recorded in the CBC studio.
It is in a reggae atmosphere as unifying as it is laid-back that King Abid invites you to his town of adoption with Bienvenue à QC
Laurence Castera's second album Les hauts lieux, was released on April 12th.
Following the release of "Make It Last Forever" last October, Millimetrik continues his quest for the psychedelic western
D-Track présente un 3e album en solo, Dieu est un Yankee. Au sommet de sa forme, le parolier émérite réaffirme la pertinence de son verbe sur ce nouveau disque
D-Track releases a 3rd solo album, Dieu est un Yankee.
Here is Semblant
Webster, accompanied by the jazz collective 5 for Trio, presents their hybrid album "Webster & 5 for Trio".
David Dufour aka D-Track is back with "OK", the first single from his 4th album to be released in the spring of 2019.
Caravane starts 2019 with a bang by releasing a music video for "Ma blonde va changer le monde"!
The first two tracks from Stefie Shock's new album are now available!
Cherry Chérie unveils the music video for "Tragédie en tuxedo"
The first single from Webster & 5 for Trio's album, "Idioties" is now available everywhere.
Stefie Shock was at Deux filles le Matin to talk about anxiety, his upcoming singles, the new album and Bell Talks.
The APCM has just announced the nominations for the Trille Or and Cherry Chérie and Klô Pelgag are part of it in the Export Québec category ????
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
Les Grands Hurleurs unveils Chouïa
Here is Higher Self - EP
Here is Incendie
Here is their 3rd album
Quebec lands in Paris
We open our office
The nominations are out!
Here is "Ce monde là"
He unveils two new tracks and a music video
Claude Bégin unveils Bleu nuit
Les Francos de Montréal on (enfin) dévoilé la programmation de ses shows extérieurs. Tu pourras y voir plusieurs artistes Coyote, pis en plus, c'est gratuit!
Lary Kidd unveils Radical Chic
The Festival Diapason unveils its huge line up!
Pour accompagner la sortie de "Bleu nuit", Claude Bégin te propose trois modèles de t-shirt exclusifs. Ne manque pas ta chance!
Alfa Rococo unveils "L'amour et le chaos"
Après avoir fait sa marque avec Les Magiciens, Claude Bégin récidive avec Bleu Nuit, un deuxième album sur lequel il signe la réalisation et les arrangements.
A new band in the big Coyote Records family
Alfa Rococo unveils "Incendie"
A new song after two years of absence
Lary Kidd unveils the deluxe version of his album "Contrôle".
Lary Kidd unveils a new exclusive song
Marieme wins "Emerging television personality of the year"
Rednext Level unveils a new music video.
Laurence Nerbonne covers her favorite karaoke song!